Air, Architecture + Other Climates

[50.0°to 61.0° N : United Kingdom] : Carbon Transitions- 2020/21
John Cook, Ben Pollock + Laura Nica

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Gary Chan

Data Center and Care Home Prototype

Lanchester, County Durham UK

With the exponentially growing usage of the internet in this technological world, the internet contributes to the carbon footprint production. Over 53.6% of the global population uses the internet, the demand for increased energy and infrastructure is accounting for more than 3.7% of global greenhouse emissions.

Research shows that 98% of energy input of the data center transfers to heat loss. As a data center is an inefficient system, this prototype explores the combination between the data center and elderly care home.

This proposal is a new prototype of combining a data center with elderly care home using the heat transfer as a platform to consolidate these polar opposite typologies into a harmonious and sustainable proposal. This typology is built through a modular system which provides flexibility on expansion. Also, the orientation of the building can alter according to the environment to reach the best energy performance.