Air, Architecture + Other Climates
[57.0°to 71.0° N : Norway] - 2019/20
John Cook, Ben Pollock + Laura Nica
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Katie Dechow

The Micro-Plastic Parliament / Clean Air Park
Bergen, Norway
Plastic pollution is an ever increasing global issue and one of this generation's key in environmental challenges. As of last year (2019) microplastics have been found in remote locations such as the Pyraneese and Arctic. The handful of studies suggest that they can reach and affect remote, sparsely inhabited areas through atmospheric transport.
The Micro-Plastic Parliament (MPP) explores the political and aesthetic properties of air based micro-plastics by visualising the continuously shifting territories of air pollution and making visible the invisible consequences of urban life. The site is located downwind within the microplastic geographical limits of the city of Bergen, Norway where shifting wind patterns determine the master plan of the site and local high to low velocity gradients define programmatic function. The low velocity spaces aim to encourage debate and policy formation around anthropogenic air pollution, the envelope of which actively accelerate the collection of MP through electrostatic charge, causing the mp pollution to build up over time concealing the building yet drawing increased attention to the issues being discussed within. Counter to this, the high velocity landscape homes wind stalks, which generate the renewable energy for the site and charge of the micro-plastic envelope.

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