Air, Architecture + Other Climates
[57.0°to 71.0° N : Norway] - 2019/20
John Cook, Ben Pollock + Laura Nica
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Rishi Mistry

Wellness Tørrdokk
Bergen, Norway
The international shipping industry is responsible for the carriage of around 90% of world trade.’ Seaborne trade continues to grow and consequently the number of ships and journeys are expanding along with it. The world’s 15 biggest ships produce more carbon dioxide than the whole of Germany. Ships also produce high levels of nitrogen and sulphur oxides which contaminate the atmosphere and contribute towards major climatic changes. Black carbon deposits, produced from incomplete combustion in ship engines, have been found in the Arctic. The deposits absorb the sun's radiation and reduce the reflectivity of the surface of the ice thus increasing the rate of ice melt.
My project looks at the relationship between the rise in the number of ships traveling through the Arctic and the health of people living and working along the coastal regions of Norway. My project looks at repurposing and recycling existing assemblies and components of oil ring platforms and using them as architectural elements for a new wellness centre that aims to slowly help dock workers and coastal based Norwegians receive compensation and treatment onshore.

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