Air, Architecture + Other Climates
[57.0°to 71.0° N : Norway] - 2019/20
John Cook, Ben Pollock + Laura Nica
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Una Osterhus Ledaal

Bjørketun Visitor Centre
Bjørketun visitor centre is an arena used for research, debate and education about climate and vegetation changes, and well as their causes and effects. Research is carried out on a site located in the highest tree line in the country, in collaboration with the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA).
The results from these studies form a research-based exhibition which acts as the second design aspect of this project, in that it is open to the public to learn about climate change events actually happening on site. Its main purpose is to create a place for debate and education about these changes, based on local research and knowledge. In collaboration with the Norwegian University of Life Science (NMBU) and the Norwegian Trekking Society (DNT), students and hikers, amongst others, gather to debate and learn about this specific element of climate change and how it might affect species living in this critical area, as well as the entire ecosystem

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